Hello non-existent readers!
I definitely haven't been blogging as much as I would like, but things are getting really busy. And update on my life:
I have two more weeks of school left before finals. And then freshman year is over! It's crazy...I'm not ready!!! I just got here! I'll probably freak out about this later when it starts to hit me.
I went to Irvine to hang out with my family last weekend. My baby cousins [they're brother and sister] are starting to fight a lot...it was driving me crazy. And then my aunt declared that they're fighting the exact same way my brother and I used to fight. Thinking about it, it's so true. We probably drove everyone around us crazyyy...but I if my brother and I are to be an example of the relationship between siblings, I'm glad the two are fighting because it's a sign that they're close! By the way, fake crying is super cute the first time, but after awhile it gets realllly old reallly fast.
Anyway, wow it's been awhile since I've updated! So a few weeks ago was Relay for Life which was an amazing experience. Sleeping in a tent, wind blowing, freezing my butt off...good times :) I was napping from 12:30am and around 4:00 someone decided to be SUPER annoying with the speakers [which was blaring music throughout the night] and was pulsing the volume. So I woke up and got out to walk the track and someone decided to hold a mini fundraiser [at 4:30 when tons of people were sleeping]. They declared "Hey guys! We're going to play this same song over and over until we make $50!" They played Hanson's "MMMBop" over and over for thirty minutes to my dismay [I love flashbacks to the 90's, but that song annoyed me back then and annoys me on the second repeat now], and then announced, "Hey guys! We've raised $10.75...only $39.25 to go!" Haha, pretty clever. I would have forked over my wallet if I had it with me. I think they could have made a lot of money if people were awake. I also chopped my hair and donated 9 inches the next morning. It was really traumatizing, but honestly, my hair is my life. If I ever got cancer, I'd probably just go screaming and declare I'd rather die with my hair than lose it. So go cancer patients! I hope my little sacrifice makes a little difference in the world...
Also, I tried red velvet chocolate chip pancakes at a truck called Buttermilk.

In all honesty, I think I could make it. It seems like the pancakes themselves were just colored with red dye, and the chocolate chips were the chocolate flavor. I think I could detect a slight cocoa flavor in the batter, but I was disappointed because I didn't know if I was just imagining it there because it should have been there. Anyway, I plan on trying to make these myself. Tasty, but not worth $5. However, the butter on top was really interesting. It had almost a slightly sour hint to it...not in a bad way. I think it might have been made from scratch.
Hope I will post again soon!